Wednesday 17 September 2014

National Flag of Angola – Republic of Angola

Angola is officially called the Republic of Angola. In the 19th century, they started slowly and hesitantly to set up inside. Angola as a Portuguese colony encompassing the present territory was not established until the late 19th century, and "effective occupation", as required by the Berlin Conference was reached in the 1920s after the Mbunda resistance and removal of their king Mwene Mbandu I Lyondthzi Kapova. Independence from Kapova was accomplished in 1975, after a protracted liberation war. After independence, Angola was the faced an intense civil war from 1975 to 2002, in spite of the civil war fields such as Baixa Cassanje continue a line of kings that included the former king and Kambamba Kulaxingo current king Dianhenga Hoods Mjinji Kulaxingo.
The national flag of Angola came into use at independence 11th November 1975 is divided horizontally into an upper half is red and the black lower half, and has a half-cogwheel yellow cross with a machete and crowned with a star.
History of the National Flag of Angola:
As in other African countries, this flag is a modification of the flag of the ruling party. The guerrilla movement and later, the Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola (MPLA), used the same design with a gold star in the center. Red was for socialism and black was for Africa. The star in the National Flag of Angola was modeled after the red star of the Soviet Union.
Later, the explanation was made less specific party: Red is for the blood shed by Angolans during their independence struggles, while black is for the continent of Africa. The symbol is in the middle of a gear and through machete with a gold star. It was adopted at a time when Angola had a Marxist government, and thus was meant to evoke the image of the hammer and sickle found on the flag of the former Soviet Union, a common symbol of communism. The National flag of Angola is the most recently described and explained in section 162 of the Constitutional Law of the Republic of Angola.
2003 proposal of National Flag of Angola:

In 2003, a new flag, more "optimistic" was proposed by the Constitutional Committee of the Parliament of the National Assembly, but was not adopted. The design of the sun in the middle is intended to be reminiscent of the cave paintings found in Tchitundo-Hulu cave. The National flag of Angola has maintained the same proportions flag 2: 3.
Proposed National Flag of the Portuguese overseas province of Angola in 1967
Proposed National Flag of the Portuguese overseas province of Angola in 1967
National Flag of the former movement and now governing party MPLA
National Flag of the former movement and now governing party MPLA
National Flag of UNITA, the movement against the MPLA government from 1975 to 2002
National Flag of UNITA, the movement against the MPLA government from 1975 to 2002
Proposed National Flag of Angola in 1996
Proposed National Flag of Angola in 1996
Proposed National Flag of Angola in 2003
Proposed National Flag of Angola in 2003
National Flag of Angola from 2003 till date
National Flag of Angola from 2003 till date
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